
Links for potential themes





Mark Carney: Breaking the Tragedy of the Horizon – climate change and financial stability


Financing Energy:  Financing the transition to clean energy in Europe


Norwegian Bank: Financial Risk Associated with Climate Risk


Rockefeller Brothers: Fund Divestment Statement


Financial Stability Board: Developing Climate-related Financial Disclosures




Liability and litigation:


Geneva Association: Climate Change Litigation


ISO 26000: Global Reporting Initiative





FAO: Biodiversity needed for food



Ocean acidification and other climate related changes:


European Environment Agency: Current rates of ocean acidification are unparalleled in Earth history.


Agir avec Madagascar: Langouste – Menace sur la filière


National Geographic: Climate Change May Make Shellfish (and Us) sick


NOAA authors et al.: Ocean acidification risk assessment for Alaska's fishery sector


Nature Climate Change:

Toxic algal bloom induced by ocean acidification disrupts the pelagic food web